Edmond Public Schools is continually working to improve the safety and security of students and staff. To that end, we have implemented an update in our safety terminology and action response. This update provides consistent, clear, shared language and actions among all students, staff, and first responders that can be applied in any emergency. Developed by the “I Love You Guys” Foundation, the Standard Response Protocol (SRP) has been implemented by more than 30,000 schools, agencies, and municipalities across the world.

Building Blocks of the Standard Response Protocol:
Hold: Hold is followed by the directive: “In Your Room or Area” and is the protocol used when hallways need to be kept clear of occupants.
Secure: Secure is followed by the directive: “Get Inside, Lock Outside Doors” and is the protocol used to safeguard people within the building
Lockdown: Lockdown is followed by the directive: “Locks, Lights, Out of Sight” and is the protocol used to secure individual rooms and keep occupants quiet and in place.
Evacuate: Evacuate is used to move people from one location to a different location in or out of the building.
Shelter: Shelter is followed by commands that state the hazard and safety strategy for the group or self-protection.
Students will see posters of the different SRP actions on hallways and in classrooms to remind them of the steps they need to take to stay safe. If you have any questions about the SRP, contact your site administrator.

Safety Strategy
Considerable time and effort go into practicing and enhancing school safety and security. The district’s comprehensive school safety strategy includes:
Coordination and emergency planning with Edmond and Oklahoma City police, fire, and safety officials
Comprehensive safety plans for each schoolplans include evacuation, shelter-in-place, and parent communication
Crisis management and intervention teams in all school
Twelve School Resource officers are assigned to each High School and Middle School as well as Boulevard Academy. Edmond patrol officers frequent our elementary schools throughout the day. An Oklahoma County Deputy is assigned to Summit Middle School since that school is located within Oklahoma City limits.
Secured vestibules with a 2-way talk station to the front office. The office door is locked at all times and can only be opened for the public via office staff using a door release or from the inside using the handle. Staff can enter using swipe badges.
Every secured vestibule has an SSID kiosk that is used to check students in and out of the building. Student, late arrival and early dismissal can be conducted 100% through the kiosk and 2-way talk station.
Access Control doors are strategically placed around the building at all sites. The door schedules are managed digitally through the system. Employee/visitor identification badges are issued through Safe Schools ID
Interior and exterior cameras at all sites
Ten safety drills that are conducted during the school year (4 fire, 2 lockdown, 2 intruder, 2 weather)
Defibrillators in place and tested regularly
Bus loading/drop-off areas monitored by staff
Shatterproof film is installed at all educational sites
Ongoing employee training
What can you do to enhance safety? Read More