Enrollment Process:
To enroll, students must reside in the district. The enrollment process requires:
Two proofs of residency. State law states that a child’s residence is the school district in which the parent/legal guardian/legal custodian holds legal residence. (There can be penalties for falsifying residency).
A current bill for gas, electric, or water and sewer (telephone and cable bills are not accepted, nor are cutoff notices).
A current lease agreement, contract on a home (where you will be residing within 45 days), warranty deed statement, or mortgage statement.
Legal birth certificate. It must be the certificate issued by the state or county where the child was born – not the hospital record. The child must be five 5 years old on or before Sept. 1, of the current school year to enter kindergarten.
Immunization record-The state requires acceptable evidence of adequate immunization before a child may be enrolled in any school in Oklahoma. Immunization Requirements
Parent/Guardian photo ID. The biological, foster or adoptive parent may enroll the student. A driver’s license or any other photo ID is acceptable. Guardians must have proper copies of court authorization. In cases of divorce, custody documentation is required, if applicable.