School-wide Initiatives

Conscious Discipline is a way to become conscious of the culture and the behavioral patterns that are aiding or impeding learning in schools. It empowers us with the mental shifts and practical skills to becoming instruments of positive transformation in our own lives and the lives of children. The core of Conscious Discipline is made up of The Brain State Model, The Seven Powers for Conscious Adults, The School Family, and The Seven Skills of Discipline.

Great Expectations is the foundation of Frontier's culture. Known as GE, it is based on the core belief that a Climate of Mutual Respect and High Expectations provide a foundation to increase learner involvement. Furthermore, GE believes that Teacher Attitude and Responsibility and Teacher Knowledge and Skill are determining factors in learners success. GE is made up of Six Basic Tenants, Eight Expectations for Living, 17 Classroom Practices, and Life Principles.

Purposeful Play is serious business. Every day play helps students reach standards and goals in ways that in-their-seat instruction alone can't do. Purposeful Play believes there is play in work and work in play. Purposeful Play has research-driven methods that help us optimize and balance different types of play, foster play for social-emotional skills along with a growth mindset, and it brings the impact of play into as many lessons as possible.