Student Recognitions

4901 Club
Twice a year, students are inducted into our 4901 Club. This induction recognizes students who set the Frontier Standard by following our 8 Expectations for Living, our Falcon Four, and our Student Creed.

Brag Tags & Postcards
At any time, staff members can send a postcard to a student recognizing them for following our 8 Expectations for Living, the Falcon Four, or our Student Creed. They get a key chain brag tag and get to spin our prize wheel.

Flash Cash
Flash Cash can be given to any student for being safe, calm, kind, or helpful. Every other week, we have a Double Flash Cash Day. Our counselors host cash-ins during Falcon Time. We draw names during Falcon Fest, and students receive a pencil. Flash Cash is not meant to be a classroom reward system.

Spirit Sticks
These embroidered key chains are given to students during grade-level huddles. A student is given a Spirit Stick for exhibiting characteristics of the Word of the Week.